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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1967-1968
Date: 3/5/1968
League/Sport: NCAA Men`s Basketball
Event: Playoff Game
Visitors: Princeton Tigers
Home: Columbia Lions
Location: Jamaica,NY
Network: WPIX-11 New York
Commercials: Removed/None
Pregame: Complete
Halftime: None
Postgame: Complete
Type: Kinescope
Comments: The 1968 Ivy League Title Playoff Game. Jim McMillen leads Columbia past Geoff Petrie and Priceton. Up until this time it was The Only Basketball Playoff in Ivy League History. Called by Marty Glickman. Not very good quality but its worh having for The Glickman audio.
Format: DVD-R
# of discs/tapes: 2
Format Comments:
Grade: 4.0
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email 1960
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