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    For the time being I have ceased all trading. I am sorry for not being responsive the emails lately but the birth of my first grandkid left me with little or no time to persue trading.
    What little time I have to collect these days is going to be dedicated to the editing of Films and Audio which is what I do best anyway. I have about 5 years worth of backed up projects.
    I appreciate all of those who have helped me build my collection over the years.
    I may occationally still need a film or audio broadcast to complete a project. If you have something I need and are interested that would be great if not there is always the next project.

95  Collections
265,251  Items
2019  AAF (Full)
1967-1976  ABA (Full)
1960-1969  AFL (Full)
2015-Present  CFL (Full)
2014-2022  FIFA World Cup
1960-Present  MLB (Full)
1959-Present  NBA (Full)
1960-Present  NFL (Full)
1959-Present  NHL (Full)
1960-Present  NCAAFB (Full)
1985-Present  NCAAM Tourney
1983-Present  USFL (Full)
1972-1979  WHA (Full)
2001-Present  XFL (Full)
 Today (5/6/2024): 2
 This Year (2024): 19845
 Last 365 Days: 39883

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