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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1973
Date: 1/14/1973
League/Sport: NFL Audio Collection
Event: Super Bowl 07 (VII)
Visitors: Miami Dolphins
Home: Washington Redskins
Location: Los Angeles
Network: WNBC New York
Length: 2 Hours 54 Minutes
Commercials: All
Pregame: Complete
Halftime: Partial
Postgame: Complete
Type: Converted from Reel to Reel Tape
Comments: The Dolphins Reach The Pinnacle of All of Professional Football finishing 17-0. This is The Armed Forces Radio Network with The NBC Radio Feed. Jim Simpson and Kyle Rote. The Halftime is edited and instead of commercials when TV Breaks for them, this broadcast cuts to The Armed Forces Feed which has Interviews with Opposing Coaches and Players. A High Quality Audio.
Format: CD-R
# of discs/tapes: 3
Format Comments: Recently Upgraded. About an extra 15 minutes of pre and post games. Also includes WNBC Commercials instead of Armed Forces Commercials breaks.
Grade: Good
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email 1960
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