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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1982-1983
Date: 1/23/1983
League/Sport: NFL
Event: AFC Championship
Visitors: New York Jets
Home: Miami Dolphins
Location: Orange Bowl, Miami, FL
Network: NBC
Commercials: Unknown
Pregame: Unknown
Halftime: Unknown
Postgame: Unknown
Type: 1st Generation
Comments: In a game dominated by the defenses and the weather, rain and mud, the Dolphins make enough plays to get it done and advance to the Super Bowl. AJ Duhe plays the game of his life.
Format: DVD-R
# of discs/tapes: 2
Format Comments: Upgraded To Excellent quality, no commercials but has pregame, half and postgame. Great version of this game!!
Grade: 9.0
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email emmitt40
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