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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1983-1984
Date: 11/20/1983
League/Sport: NFL
Event: Regular Season
Visitors: Los Angeles Raiders
Home: Buffalo Bills
Location: Rich Stadium, Orchard Park, New York
Network: NBC
Length: 3h55
Commercials: Unknown
Pregame: Unknown
Halftime: Unknown
Postgame: Unknown
Type: Converted From VHS Master
Comments: Chris Bahr winning FG with 0:04 seconds left in the game folloing a great Raider`s drive. Joe Ferguson left the game due to injury. Marcus Allen 157 total yards, 1 TD. Mike Haynes 1st game with the Raiders.
Format: DVD-R
# of discs/tapes: 2
Format Comments: Some huddles are edited.
Grade: 8.5
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email Silver&Black60
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