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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1985-1986
Date: 12/2/1985
League/Sport: NFL
Event: MNF: Week 13
Visitors: Chicago Bears
Home: Miami Dolphins
Location: Miami, FL - The Orange Bowl
Network: ABC
Commercials: All
Pregame: Complete
Halftime: Complete
Postgame: Complete
Type: Converted From VHS Master
Comments: The Dolphins knock off the undefeated Bears in front of a hyped up crowd in Miami. Dan Marino throws 3 Touchdown Passes and Walter Payton sets a record with his 8th consecutive 100 Yard Rushing Game.
Format: DVD-R
# of discs/tapes: 4
Format Comments: Acquired in a trade. XP speed. Includes some pregame shows talk about the game, commercials, halftime and postgame segments
Grade: 8.5
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email thacozzman
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